Chelo Matesanz

Chelo MATESANZ, Instalación Dibujos pegados con chicles, 2014. Courtesy Espacio Olvera


Reinosa, Cantabria, Spain, 1964


Professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra and, therefore, aware of the seriousness that concerns art, Chelo Matesanz tackles her work with irony and humor.
She takes themes that derive from mere existence, such as family or sexuality, and others such as social or cultural criticism, and combines them together with the subversion of technical processes, achieving an acid discourse that moves us from within. Silhouettes and sketches make of her drawing something apparently easy, when in reality it hides a high language under its simple lines, in a way that seeks a questioning of its own humorous speech.
Multitude of exhibitions behind her back -individual and collective- and the weight of her theoretical vision on the rhetoric of the object, make each of her works an ironic and rigorous space for reflection.