Paris, France, 1955


To Pierre Ardouvin, drawing is a spontaneous practice that he pursues continuously and recurrently and which has multiple functions: a means to note ideas or visualise projects, it can also take on a more autonomous status, more proximate to automatic drawing, in order to create pure images and visions.
Pierre Ardouvin most often employs watercolour, a light technique in accordance with the sought-after spontaneity. The reference to “Sunday painting” that inheres in it does not displease this enthusiast of forms of popular culture. He likewise has recourse to hijacked photographic images and collages. The postcard imagery that is representative of the society of leisure for the masses: seaside resorts, cultural and museum tourism, or even paradise islands are recurrent motifs in the oeuvre of Pierre Ardouvin. These “shots” undergo regular re-appropriation by the artist through series of painted collages and drawings.