Nadia Barkate
Bilbao, 1980
The Basque artist Nadia Barkate has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country, where she holds a Master’s Degree in Art Research and Creation. The large format compositions of the series “Bring Wodka mit”, made with ink fountain, are close to the comic and audiovisual language, but also to the heraldic logic. The artist approaches drawing as a performative practice, which takes place in sessions in which her physical and emotional state intervenes. Nadia Barkate resorts to the combination and insistence on the repetition of a certain form, until the exhaustion of itspossibilities, taking a priori a series of decisions, such as drawing from memory or reducing the technical elements to a minimum. She tends to place herself in conditions that foster error, which is a fundamental aspect of her poetry and sometimes becomes the central motive, repeating itself until generating a system.