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Délio Jasse


Luanda, Angola, 1980

Presented by A01 GALLERY

In his photographic work, Délio Jasse interweaves found images with memories (family albums, passport pictures) in order to establish links between these photographs. It connects a “latent image” with its own memory and thus builds a new life for interlaced images. Sometimes he highlights some elements present in the photographs in powerful primary colors, modifying the photographic image with drawing, as it is also done when stamps are put on passport portraits.
The drawing transforms the image until it builds an exciting whole that acts as a wake-up call on the viewer so that they can question what kind of “realities” they are facing. His vision on African history emulsifies over his photographic supports until it becomes a universal question.
Délio Jasse was one of the three finalists in the BES Photo Prize (2014) and won the Iwalewa Art Award in 2015.

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William Ludwig Lutgens

William LUDWIG LUTGENS. Puke Duke, Plus One, 2017. Courtesy A01 Gallery


Born in Turnhout, Belgium, 1991

Presented by A01 FINE ART GALLERY

Visual artist William Ludwig Lutgens lives and works in Antwerp and Ghent, where he recently graduated from the post-academic programme at the HISK (Higher Institute of Fine Arts).
Lutgens looks at Western traditions, lifestyles, consumer products and ideologies, in manners that often border on the grotesque. Both theatre and play occupy an important place in the work of the artist, who readily identifies himself with the performer of stand-up. This influence is reflected more clearly in the works he sketches in the line of the press design and the illustration but also in that of installation.
In 2017 Lutgens won the Front Line – Lyra prize at Drawing Room Madrid, The Eeckman Art Prize at Art On Paper in Bozar and The Boghossian Foundation’ 2nd prize at Art Contest. Since 2016 William has been self publishing ‘Het Geïllustreerd Blad’ / The Illustrated Paper.

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Reiko Tsunashima

Reiko TSUNASHIMA, Soaring Wings, 2004. Courtesy Kitai Gallery


Tokio, Japan, 1953

Presented by GALLERY KITAI

A graduate of the Musashino College of Art in Tokyo, Reiko Tsunashima has become an internationally renowned renovator of sumi-e, the Japanese ink technique whose uninterrupted history goes back to a tradition of more than two thousand years with the main aspiration of reproducing, not only the appearance of the subject, but his spirit.
Tsunashima includes all her work with the title “Scenes of sumi-e”. These are abstract representations on paper that approximate the most common notion of natural landscape, both for the visual aspect and for the incorporation of environmental issues in the realization of these particular landscapes. The conditions of temperature, humidity and movements of the air contribute without a doubt to create these blurred visions that come from the evolution of the brush on the support. To finish, the artist arranges the papers in careful montages that generate a framework of windows to the sumi-e world.

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Chus García Fraile

Chus GARCIA-FRAILE, Megalópolis XVI, 2011. Courtesy Puxa Gallery


Madrid, 1965

Presented by PUXAGALLERY

Chus García-Fraile considers drawing as the philosopher’s stone of her career. The artist from Madrid has made ten solo exhibitions in our country and has participated in numerous collective projects (“Female Identity”, “Madrid-Processes”, “On Painting”, “Prophetia”, “Hic et nunc”) inside and outside of Spain.
The formal exactitude and the plastic quality characterize the recent work of García-Fraile: large drawings made with charcoal on paper that review the symbols and icons of our time in a critique of the consumer society and the mythification of the welfare state.
The “Megalopolis” series is nourished by nocturnal and dismal compositions that, like factory-cities, act as allegories of the city, portraying it as a container and generator of dynamics, nodes and paradigms. “Artificios” departs from a suggestive conceptual contrast between the festive fireworks and the explosions and light flashes derived from the current wars, flashes that constantly bombard our everyday universe thanks to the media.

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Nuria Rodríguez

Nuria RODRÍGUEZ. 1985 Borges, 2016. Courtesy Galería Shiras


Valencia, 1965


Taxonomy is the science of classification. Its duties -discovering, finding, naming, categorizing and classifying- are a fundamental part of the creative method of Nuria Fernández, an artist who collects surprising, random findings, to later integrate them into her complex multidisciplinary projects.
Her notebooks fuse scientific or documentary images, typical of ancient cabinets of wonders, with others of her fertile imagination, where the coldest and the warmest things have a place. All which is real is interesting, as well as everything fictitious, because these materials are juxtaposed and connected in oil paintings and in installations where objects acquire new meanings. In his latest project, time and literature are added to these ingredients: “Chronologies of Chance” brings together a series of large-format paintings, collages, drawings and surreal objects where the artist recreates a trip around his personal library.

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Javier Calleja

Javier CALLEJA, Günter boy, 2017, Courtesy Galería Yusto Giner


Málaga, 1971

Presented by YUSTO / GINER

Acid and optimist, big and small, obvious or cryptic, infantile or adult, the work of Javier Calleja develops from contrasts, which are copulative and disjunctive, and not completely resolved. The artist from Malaga has developed a creative project where the distortions of scale, the mixture of supports (mainly sculpture, drawing and painting), and site-specific work are combined in a particular world indebted to the child reader of comics that survives in it.
In addition to the comics, pop art and a surrealism of Magritt origin both influence the work of Javier Calleja. Author of installations and mural paintings in which he plays with the idea of artwork within the artwork, the artist invites the viewer to form part of playful scenes, to relate to his cubic-headed characters and to interact by participating in his ironies or by reacting to the disproportionate sizes that evoke the worlds of Alice.

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Mónica de Miranda

Mónica de Miranda, Linetrap Series, 2014. Courtesy Carlos Carvalho Arte Contemporânea

Mónica de MIRANDA

Porto, Portugal, 1976


Mónica de Miranda is an artist and researcher. Born in Oporto, of Angolan parents, she actually describes herself as an artist working in the diaspora.
She uses photography, mixed media and video, with which she tackles issues of geography and identity, expressing silent visions of personal history and exploring the poetics of belonging.
A graduate in Visual Arts from the Faculty of Arts at Camberwell, she completed her studies with a Master of Arts and Education from the London Institute of Education and a Doctorate in Visual Arts from the University of Middlesex.
In 2016 she was nominated for the Novo Banco Photography Prize and exhibited at the Museu Coleção Berado in Lisbon as a finalist. Miranda was also nominated for the Prix Pictet Photography Prize that same year.
Her work is present in public collections such as the Fundação Calouste Gulbekian, the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Chiado and the Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa.

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Miquel Navarro

Miquel NAVARRO, Paterna tower, 1993. Courtesy Galería Shiras


Mislata, Valencia, 1945


National Prize of Plastic Arts in 1986, sculptor Miquel Navarro is one of the Spanish artists with greater international projection. His work is represented in numerous museums and public and private collections around the world, including the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum in Madrid and the Musée National Center d ‘Art Georges Pompidou, in Paris.
Known for his large public sculptures and complex installations, his work is a constant analysis of the urban environment, which also manifests itself in drawings, collages and watercolors.
The diverse city of Navarro is the most eloquent material expression of the cultural nature of the human being, an idealized landscape that transmits multiple dimensions, which reflects the past and, at the same time, materializes itself as a fantastic and metaphysical territory, where the creative impulses that define the social converge.

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Anna Talens

Anna TALENS, Reparando horizonte dorado, 2017. Courtesy Galería Paz y Comedias


Carcaixent (Valencia), 1978

Presented by PAZ Y COMEDIAS

The Valencian artist, researcher and teacher resident in Berlin Anna Talens is the author of objects and installations of materiality and poetic identity that recover traditional, manual and primitive manufacturing processes and use artistic resources such as repetition, arbitrariness and accumulation. Cultivating a perverted minimalism by the presence of the color and texture of the material, Talens impregnates her creations with a poetics that finds its formalization in the contracts between nature and artifice.
In the latest work by Anna Talens, heterodox graphic processes and materials reflect on the representation of emptiness. The line, translated into a golden horizon, is the graphic form that represents the level and direction in which to project our vital objectives. Image, graphic and materiality have served to represent, in an intuitive and conceptual way, an idea of hopeful search.

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Catarina Leitão

Catarina LEITãO, Drawing Box, 2017. Courtesy Carlos Carvalho Arte Contemporânea

Catarina LEITÃO

Stuttgart, Germany, 1970


Catarina Leitão is an artist whose work is structured around drawing, sculpture, installation and books.
She has been developing series of fictional narratives that start from an analysis of our relationship with nature, a relationship that is culturally conditioned. Along with this aspect, she investigates the possibilities of design in three-dimensional space and the concept of portability.
She constructs the idea of ​​portable and mutant work: it can be either closed or open, at rest or acting in space when it is manipulated by a spectator.
The elements on which her work is based are sense, humor and contradiction.
Between prizes and residences, some highlights in her career are: The New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, 2009, Center for Book Arts, 2007, Triangle Arts, 2006, Sharpe Foundation, 2004, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, 2003, Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, 2001 , Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian and Luso-Americana Foundation, 1997-1999.

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